A rather unexciting day in El Tunco

We dont surf. Maybe we should try one day, but on some softer waves. These stormy days make for some pretty rough water out there. We woke to sun and rain…and then more rain…and more rain.

We found a little place for breakfast. We probably overpaid at $7.50 for the two of us but we were stuffed silly, with only a single pupusa each for lunch bringing the day’s food total up to $9. Can’t complain about the food prices. Of course we went a little overboard on dinner at a whopping $23…

So not a lot to report today. A relaxing swim or two. Deciding on a 10 hour shuttle ride from here to Leon, Nicaragua. Now just a matter of figuring out where to stay if we arrive at 10PM.

A very weak showing today for a blog, but all this wandering around drinking beer all day has really put a damper on my writing.

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