The Origins of Belly Button Lint

Image courtesy of Wikipedia. A real man has much more hair!

I was thinking initially this was an underreported issue, but a little further investigation that people have in fact dedicated years of their life into this phenomenon.  It must be relatively recent work, since I don’t remember seeing any descriptors in a university course syllabus specifying navel fluff as a topic to be examined.  This has been a curiosity of Melanie’s of just how and why this “disgusting” ball of fluff develops in that cavity which once was the entry point for all nutriton.

Let’s think about the situation.  Melanie has never had such a fibrous mass collect in her navel.  I assumed it was standard.  Maybe not always there, as it isn’t something I check for on a daily basis.  Is a result of me never emptying the lint trap during the drying process?  Is it the primarily cotton selection of my wardrobe that encourages more production?  It came to me in the shower the other day, where all my best thinking is done.  A grey-black wad was floating it’s way down to the drain and suddenly abrasion came to mind.

The act of a shirt rubbing over a hairy body will in fact abrade the cottony weave causing fiber “dust”.  Melanie has not experienced such issues due to her delicate hair-free dolphin-like skin.  I on the other hand come from a long line of half breeds, likely European, with a little chimpanzee mixed in for good measure.  What I am saying is that I might be a little harder on my clothes that some of those bus advert models.

A little research was required to substantiate my theories.  The first article I came across was a definition for belly button lint on Wikipedia.  Credibility of the article is called into question due to the lack of contributors on the subject and the single picture of a ball of green lint available for description.  The link to a Guiness Record is interesting though for it’s detail

Questions also remain as to why accumulation is in the cavity, with discussion on electrostatic forces contributing.  I say hogwash.  The simple direction of hair all growing toward the navel will effectively trap and loose fibers, similar to one of those chinese finger traps. Why would I be a static producer, and waste all that created energy on storing useless fluff when I could be sneaking up on people to give them that little zap on the earlobe?  Besides, the moist climate we are in has no chance of any static buildup.

So belly button lint happens.  If you are freakish enough to not grow body hair…good on you as you will likely never have to experience the wrath.  Have a little pity for those of us that must endure such hardships.  Those of you waxers out there, it is just a matter of time before that linty ball of fun makes its way back to its rightful home.

And Melanie, no it isn’t a big black bug smushed on the floor.  Nor is it gross.

4 responses to “The Origins of Belly Button Lint”

  1. gross. dont forget moms birthday tommorrow. sounds like a good time except for the lint of course.