Month: October 2011

  • The Art of the Promenade

    This forced downtime isn’t all bad.  The solitude has allowed us to put together a plan for the next few weeks, fill our bellies with greasy eggs and muesli, and identify suitable day excursions that aren’t taxing to body or wallet.  Yesterday wasn’t an exhaustive effort by any means.  A 16:30 departure into Sorrento for…

  • Planning the Sorrentina Escape

    Well, this is different.  I feel as if I should be plotting my way out of this resort. After 4 weeks of shuffling from city to city, bustling action and the freedoms typical of vacationing, we are now settled for the next 6 nights in an old quarry.  This isn’t your usually quarry though, in…

  • Czech food is tasty!! Pork Knee?

    After our lackluster adventures in German and Austrian cuisine, we have finally found some flavour.  That flavour isn’t in the form of sausages or dollops of mustard either.  We have finally discovered tasty, tasty food. Granted there are heaps of garlic and onion cooked into everything that do add to the flavour.  Unlike my typical…

  • How to: Vacation Apartment Rentals

    So you’re thinking of renting an apartment, townhouse, villa, or hut on the beach instead of doing the usual hotel thing for your next vacation.  The question is where to start and how to do it.  I won’t say we’re experts by any means.  We have ventured out of the comfort zone that Expedia, Travelocity…

  • Poop on the sidewalk and bubbles in the park

    Maybe I am just a little conservative, but the polite citizens of Vancouver are certain to make sure any droppings their pets may leave are usually scooped up…and definitely not on the sidewalk.  Over the last 15 years in Vancouver of strolling those streets, I could probably count the total number of times seeing poop…

  • Where to? Your call. Polling the limited audience…

    I can see there aren’t many readers, but a little feedback is always appreciated and could be accomplished with a simple poll. This is our first crack at a poll.  We’re still not likely to bow to peer pressure, but we can be swayed.  Have a look below and if none of the answers below…

  • French, maybe a B- and German, a definitive F

    Let’s call it a massive fail in German.  After two weeks of being exposed to nothing but German text on signs, menus, and Google search results…our vocabulary consists of a total of about 20 words.  We can now count to two (Melanie is good for up to one, and that’s if you don’t count zero). …

  • Snap decisions are always costly

    I started today reflecting on how snap decisions may be some of the best things in life, after all…if it wasn’t for me making a snap decision some 17 years ago, he wouldn’t have the two great kids he now has.  That’s the short version of the story.  As for the longer version…you’ll have to…

  • Will Vacation for Clean Jeans!

    The days do now seem to all run together, separated only with iPhoto events and this near daily blog. Vienna is great and all, architecture of a very grand scale and detail completely unmatched in any city I have seen to date. A bit of a slow day here. Early to rise, and quick to…

  • Mozart on the Gong Show?

    So, we all know that Mozart was a child prodigy, composing his first work at 5 or 6 years old.  It wasn’t as if he just suddenly put pen to paper and crafted something amazing.  This was through plenty of parental coaching and teaching.  The amazing part is his soft, mushy brain was able to…